From Analysis To Action | 5 Day Challenge

The ONE simple Mind-Hack That

turns strangers into clients

5 Days Of Hands-On Sessions To Get Your Online Marketing Systems Ready To Make Sales.

Get In Today At No Cost! | Offer Expires Aug. 5th

Yes! I'm an Action Taker!


Dear entrepreneur,

I’m in a pretty good spot lately with my business's results.

I’ve found some things that work for me over the years and, not to brag, but it’s rare that I feel bad about my business's results anymore.

Obviously, flashback.

Because it wasn’t always this way.

Sometimes you hit a plateau with your business's results, then you figure something out, and you "break through" and keep making progress.

But what happens when you keep hitting plateaus?

You feel like you’ve solved it…

You’re on your way now…

Then...the same issue crops up...

"But I thought I solved this already!"

If that sounds familiar, welcome to my world not too long ago.

11 ago, I really struggled. Success didn't come easy at first. I made a lot of mistakes.

At wit’s end, something occurred to me:

"What if there’s a single skill that ties all these issues I’m having together: a Meta Skill?"

I discovered what I was looking for: a "Meta Skill" if you will. Something that I used to achieve the results I have today...and something that's working for virtually all of my clients.

"If I can get this right," I thought, "it could make everything else better…

...but as long as I keep getting it wrong I’m going to keep getting the same things wrong."

My "Meta Skill" became a bit of an obsession...

I went 100% "engagement marketing nerd" and a 1000% scientific with it!

And two things happened:.

1. I discovered that to really getting your business up and running you need to get super specific and break engagement marketing down into 3 key steps. Steps that never rely on failed methods.

Like I used to, you may believe you aren't putting enough content out there for example. Not true. Just the opposite is true... and using this "Meta Skill" (it's really more of a foundational business principle) you can get more clients. I did, and so can you.

You may know where this is headed:

I set out to give my clients the same experience I’d had: a focused and intense engagement marketing program with a single purpose:

Taking you by-the-hand, and leading you, step-by-step, to the next plateau

The program would have to be an experience delivered to you immediately.

It would have to be easy-to-do, and fit into just 5 days…

...but it would have to have transformational results...

This became known as "From Analysis To Action" 5 Day Challenge

Get In Today At No Cost! | Offer Expires Aug. 5th

Yes! I'm an Action Taker!

And it is quickly becoming the most popular engagement marketing program around.

Here’s just a taste of the feedback we got from first-time users:

masterfully executed

“What I loved about it was it was a very well thought out and masterfully executed, and I left the workshop knowing what to do exactly with my social media my my videos.

If you’re looking to get better on video, get better on content distribution, if you’re looking to make more money through making more connections and more sales, come learn from Yifat”

~Arttemis Keszainn

Get Out Of “What If” & Actually Make It Happen!

“Thanks to Yifat I’ve broken out of a rut of that I’ve been in with how to develop myself and my business. Yifat has totally open my eyes to how I can take what’s relevant in my experience in my field and just force multiply that.

~Michael Parrish

It’s designed to give you the same business breakthroughs I experienced when I first applied this "Meta-Skill" myself…

… except way more organized, because I’ll be coaching you through it using my blueprint.

We’re also making some outlandish claims:

"We’ll make you a super-referable business owner!"

Where do I get off making that claim?

For starters, I went into "business hermit mode" for a long, long time:

In fact, I spent over 11 studying engagement marketing and compiling everything I know into this one solution.

By the end, I’d learned two big lessons:

I discovered that to really become a referable business you need to to break it down into bite-size "chunks", as I mentioned earlier...

This is crucial in understanding business, and BEYOND crucial if want to really succeed...both in the short term, and continually.

It really is all about this "Meta-Skill" of mine...broken down into steps I'll be teaching you over the next 90 days, so you can...

Put an end to technology frustration!

Unlike slaving over content creation or enrolling in course after course, From Analysis To Action 5 Day Challenge is hyper focused on just one goal:

Applying my "Meta-Skill" (it's top secret : ) to accelerate business's results and turn "I'm struggling to get clients online" into outrageous business success.

I used this exact plan myself, and everything about engagement marketing completely changed. I'd gone from what I would refer to as a struggling entrepreneur to the opposite. I could finally attract clients to me too.

With that in mind, and people telling us all the time that they were "plateauing" with their business, and overwhelmed with all the information out there, I point them right here.

You can’t help but make progress...

...and here's why:

"From Analysis To Action" 5 Day Challenge is a breakthrough hands-on workshop for business owners that quickly delivers a proven way to remove the 5 biggest tech challenges in your online marketing so you can start making sales by the end of this week...and all without throwing spaghetti on the wall trying to figure out what actually works.

I've broken everything down into simple, step-by-step components:

Day 1: all about creating a miraculous business that people love referring their friends to.
Day 2: all about your money making website (even if you're not techy and a die hard perfectionist)
Day 3: all about building an audience of raving fans and hungry buyers
Day 4: crushing it with live streaming
Day 5: content marketing that sells - without slaving over it all day.


You'll see results in as little as 5 days!

I get it:

The bottom line is that we don’t all have unlimited time, and that’s why this Challenge has been structured with an average of 5 days as a time commitment…that's all.

Simply put, if you’ve got 5 days… this Challenge is going to completely change the way you become a referable business.

I’ve been teaching engagement marketing now for over 11… and for the next 5 days or so, I’m looking for clients that are willing to put in the hard work and dedication to get the results I know you can achieve.

It won’t be overwhelming… you’re going to know exactly what to do… how long to do it for… and I’ll be with you every step of the way.

In a nutshell, over the next 5 days (with results coming as soon as day 1) I’ll be your personal engagement marketing teacher...


You have a chance to win a complete live streaming studio:


The Alternative Is To Keep Feeling Stuck

If you’re anything like I was, you can get pretty good at business by just consuming anything and everything - YouTube videos, books, random masterclasses…

...but eventually you’re going to feel “stuck”.

And it can be frustrating, because what got you to this point, won’t get you any further.

It’s like downloading a big photo with a dial-up internet speed. First, you get the image in low-resolution…

...and, if you can stand a few feet away and squint at it, it looks pretty good.

But then the image would gradually, row-by-row, enhance.

By the end, you’d have a high-resolution image that looked good even close up.

It's true: to getting your business up and running is like downloading an image over a dial-up connection.

In the first stages, you’re making big, messy strides, and practically everything you try will work.

Eventually, you reach a point where most of the easy wins are gone.

You now need to go back, and pay attention to detail.

And it’s exactly what From Analysis To Action 5 Day Challenge is designed to do...

We’ll take one step at a time, so you can see progress build and build!

And you can do it in just 5 days.

(That’s not an exaggeration: small wins every day can replace long and boring approaches, and often produce even better results, because you say fresh and super-motivated.)

But we’re closing the doors SOON... this all goes away Aug. 5th... and the change to win a complete live streaming studio is gone Aug. 8th.

To make sure you grab From Analysis To Action 5 Day Challenge before the doors close, use this exclusive link below to sign up today!

Get In Today At NO cost! | Offer Ends Aug. 5th

Yes! I'm an Action Taker!

Your Geek
Yifat Cohen, Founder
YCN Media Group


Hi, I'm Yifat Cohen (pronounced "ee-fah-t", the "Y" makes the long "e" sound like in Yvonne) and I’m that Geek that Google flies around to speak about their own products, invites to present at their offices and lets test products and features before everybody else.

I've been in business for over 11 years, I do Krav Maga, love geeky things, cook spicy food, and am a traveler and adventurer, but also one who loves my sleep and strong coffee (which really doesn’t go together, does it?).

Over the last 11 years I've helped my clients generate over $250,000 in just 10 days from a dead list because of my Instant Trust strategy.
Others have made over $100,000 in that same span of time, while others saw 40% conversions and high ticket sales from cold audience.


All the information you need is out there - on YouTube, Google, Siri, Quora..

So it's not lack of information that's holding you back.

Maybe it's your fear of technology,

Your fear of making a mistake,

Your fear of starting something new...

Maybe you're just overwhelmed with all the options out there and you don't know where to start,

Or maybe you started and you got stuck, and not you don't know what to focus on any more.

What you need is what the pro's have in their back pocket: someone that has done all this before, can show you the shortcuts and only focus on what works RIGHT NOW.

So that you don't waste any time with things that don't matter to you.

My friends call me "The 4 Minutes Solution" lady because I make things look easy and I'm quick to implement.

So if you want to remove the technology obstacles and get a proven marketing system that's ready to generate you sales by the end of next week, then take action now and join the 5 days challenge.

Together we'll move from Analysis To Action and get things DONE.

Get In Today At NO cost! | Offer Ends Aug. 5th

Yes! I'm an Action Taker!


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